Entries by Hayden Bird

Welcome Spring!

Spring has arrived. On my morning walk I spied snowdrops, the first flower after a long winter in my neck of the woods. Soon the trees will bud, the grass will green, the air will smell of new growth. As with many things, there is the art and the science of spring. The beauty we […]

Inspiring Powerful Girls

This week, I am working nearly every waking moment on various important deadlines, including revisions on my book due out in Spring 2017. Very stressful but also very empowering. I had planned to talk about work being done in the world to empower women. I hope that Hillary Clinton’s campaign is giving young girls a […]

Kids Books About Inspiring Females

HONORING WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH… Amelia to Zora: Twenty-Six Women Who Changed the World by Cynthia Chin-Lee is an A to Z compilation of some truly amazing women across a broad spectrum. There is just one page on each so it truly is a survey. But taken together, these stories give a powerful sense of the […]

More Good News About Bilingualism!

The Old Good News Back on November 8, 2015, I wrote about the great things a second language can do for your child’s development. Recap: (1) Better cognitive skills (your kids will be super multi-taskers and have sharper memory of what they see and do) (2) More jobs open to them when they grow up […]

A Birthday Celebration for Every Child

Birthday celebrations are so important to children. They are the person of the hour for a whole 24 hours! It’s a day to mark the fact that they are growing up! But some children live in families with so few resources that they struggle to put together a party. Parties for Everyone! One mom planning […]

Fabulous Birthday Books!

On The Day You Were Born by Debra Frasier is a book gifted to many newborns because it celebrates exactly what it says in the title: the day you were born. I like it because it talks about a baby’s entry into the world with all its natural wonders and loving people welcoming this new […]

Celebrating Birthdays, Celebrating Life

I am thick into preparing my family’s “birthday month”. When my kids were little, we referred to it as our own private March Madness. Out of the five of us in our nuclear family, only I am born outside the month of March. The girls are spaced three years apart between each (how’s that for […]

A Puppy A Day Keeps the Doctor Away

We live in a stressed out society. Mid-career adults are working long hours while often sandwiching in coordination of adult care for their children and health care for their parents. Those same elderly parents are under stress about the countless doctor visits and tests and are often lonely as spouses and friends leave the planet. […]

Kids Books About Dogs

New and Fabulous Olive and Patch by Claire Freedman tells the story of a little boy who has just moved from a small town to the big city. And he is lonely. But life perks up when he finds Patch the dog. The only problem is, Oliver knows Patch must have an owner who loves […]

Ode to my Dog

I am sitting on the couch thinking about a blog topic for today. I look down at my dog who is lying next to me, attached at the hip (well, thigh). My constant companion (when I am home). Always ready to dance at my joys and lick away my sorrows. So, here’s to you, Rafa, […]